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Tree133: Registered Tree Service Provider

In April 2022, Seattle City Council passed Council Bill 120207 requiring that all tree service companies must be REGISTERED with the Department of Construction & Inspections (SDCI).

Tree133 is an SDCI Registered Tree Service Provider: LIC-TSP-18493. We are obligated to follow the rules passed by the City Council and are committed to helping our Clients navigate the requirements.


Seattle Tree Codes and public posting Requirements continue to evolve. As of April 2023, a public notice must be created and posted online on the Seattle Services Portal Public Notices web page at least 3 business days prior to performing reportable work and at least 6 business days prior to removal of trees 6 inches in Diameter Standard Height (DSH) or greater.

"Reportable work" is defined as the removal of live branches 2 inches in diameter or greater, pruning or removal of live roots 2 inches in diameter or greater, or removal of live branches constituting 15 percent or more of a tree's foliage-bearing area.

Support from Tree133

We will assist you with the public notice requirement to make sure it contains the correct information and specific details for EACH tree to be pruned or removed. Additional service details are available in your formal proposal document from Tree133.

  • Tree133 will use our Seattle Services Portal Account to create your public notice

  • We will print and post your public notice at the time of your tree care project

  • You will receive a copy of the notice for your records


Tree133's mission is to preserve trees and empower people. We deliver this mission by providing sound advice and quality care for your trees. As Seattle's Tree Protection Codes and requirements evolve, we are committed to following these rules with integrity and transparency.

These new requirements are a significant change for all tree service providers and property owners throughout the city. We are working with other local arborists in the newly formed Seattle Arborist Association to grow our urban forest through advancement and support

of the profession of arboriculture.

Do you have questions about Seattle Tree Code and what it means for our neighborhoods? Submit questions and concerns directly to your City Council Person.

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