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Tree133: 2023 Urban Canopy Leadership Summit

On a sunny day in November, urban forestry leaders, advocates and researchers from around the world gathered to climb some of the largest trees in Seattle at the Urban Canopy Leadership Summit.

Professional Arborists from the PNW, including Craig Bachmann of Tree133, came together and helped climbers reach new heights. Developed by David Anderson of Canopy Watch International, these events aim to empower personal and scientific discovery by actually getting people IN the trees.

Isabella Breda, a local Seattle journalist, got into a harness and navigated her way to the top of a majestic maple. She shared her experience in the Seattle Times.

By the grace of a carabiner, harness and a sturdy rope, I gently swung in the breeze, hidden within the crown of the towering European beech tucked behind the Seattle Asian Art Museum at Volunteer Park on Sunday afternoon.

It’s one of Seattle’s largest trees by volume, the arborists tell me, with a trunk spanning nearly 6 feet across.... Read More 

Want to learn more? Watch David Anderson's TED talk, The Transformative Power of Climbing Trees.

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