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SRS Canopy Anchor Demo: TCIA EXPO '21

A canopy anchor is a climbing system that anchors the rope in the canopy of a tree. While a moving rope system (MRS) typically uses a canopy anchor (or tie-in point), a stationary rope system (SRS) creates the option of a canopy or basal anchor. Why would we use a canopy anchor? When is it better than using a basal anchor?

 Read the rest of the printed article in the March Issue of TCI Magazine

Craig Bachmann is a Certified Treecare Safety Professional, ISA Certified Arborist, TRAQ Certified Tree Worker – Climber Specialist and an experienced safety/skills trainer. He is also an event head judge for the International Tree Climbing Championship. Tree133 is a TCIA member tree care company and Craig regularly speaks at industry events and conferences.

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