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Preserving Urban Wildlife Habitat

Birds, insects and small mammals all use trees for nests, nurseries, storage areas, foraging, roosting, and perching. If a tree needs to be removed, rather than cutting it to the ground, it may be possible to retain valuable habitat with a snag.

In this video, Karsten explains how arborists help preserve urban wildlife habitat, imitate wood breaks that happen naturally and create bird boxes to provide nesting cavities.

Want to learn more about snag trees? Living with Wildlife is an excellent resource from the PNW ISA and Plant Amnesty.

Are you curious about what birds you might see in your yard and neighborhood? For those living in Washington State, Seattle Audubon provides an Online Guide to the Birds of Washington State  

Everyone at Tree133 cares deeply about preserving trees and promoting a healthy urban forest. If you have questions about trees in your landscape, contact a professional arborist at Tree133 

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