As a local, family-owned business, Tree133 is deeply connected to our Seattle neighbors. As professional arborists, our focus is tree preservation. We also support our community through volunteering and donations to local organizations.

LIHI provides housing for low-income, homeless and formerly homeless people to help them develop self-sufficiency. Tree133 has specifically contributed to support the construction of tiny homes.
BLCT, an initiative of the Children’s Home Society of Washington, is a collaborative and inclusive neighborhood planning process to improve quality of life for all residents and give rise to a neighborhood of opportunity. Tree133 regularly volunteers for community clean-up days organized by BLCT.
SAS saves the lives of animals through adoption, foster care, spay and neuter programs and community outreach. We adopted our dog Charlie-girl from SAS in 2022.
PlantAmnesty provides education, resources, and advocacy to promote quality tree care and preserve urban green spaces. Tree133 participates in volunteer tree pruning events to care for needy and deserving gardens in the Seattle area.
This program provides high school students with hands-on experience in horticulture, urban farming, environmental science, entrepreneurship and citizenship. As a member of their Friends Organization, Tree133 also supports the Urban Farm by regularly providing wood chip mulch for the farm and other projects throughout the Seattle school district.